
3 mins

5 Tips on How To Grow Your eCommerce Business

Since we are living in the digital age, one of the biggest challenges for eCommerce sites is to compete with millions of other eCommerce businesses. With a vast digital landscape growing every day, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd. Here are 6 tips on how to grow your eCommerce business. 

1. Make an eCommerce Website

The very first thing you need to grow your eCommerce business is to create an eCommerce website. Your website will promote your brand 24/7 and not a single employee can do that. Your website will also allow you to provide positive impressions and grab your consumer’s attention. 

To keep customers engaged, your eCommerce site should strive to have an advanced website design with easy navigation, client testimonials, custom professional content, blogs and more. Need help with web development? Let’s get in touch. 

2. Content Marketing and SEO

Once you already have your website, you need to focus on your content marketing. Content marketing and SEO will help you attract more positive attention, interaction, and sustainable conversions in a way no other marketing method can. Brainstorm with your team to create a list of the different types of content you wish to create. Whether it’s blog posts, videos, newsletters, you need to think about SEO so your website can rank high in search engines like Google. 

3. Map the Customer Journey

The customer journey is all the brand touchpoints and interactions an individual has with your company from start to finish. This includes their initial awareness of a problem, informational research, visits to your site and engagement with your social profiles. You need to map the customer journey to help you see things through the eyes of your audience and be able to provide meaningful experiences for your customers. 

4. Use Email Marketing

If you don’t think email marketing is a great way to grow your business then you’re wrong. Email marketing is a great way to stay in contact with customers and send helpful information which will help you build relationships with your customers. The best way to do it is to automate your email marketing to streamline your communication and present a clear brand message. 

5. Retargeting Ads

98% of users do not convert on their first visit to a website. Therefore, you need to capture those sales and set up retargeting ads. How it works is a customer comes to your site and leaves without buying, but since you have retargeting ads, they will be reminded of your business when they visit other websites. 

Ready to grow your eCommerce business? Let’s work together. Parachute has over 10 years of experience when it comes to eCommerce. We’re here to help all businesses no matter how big or small drive business growth. 


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