We are a Glasgow Branding Agency that knows insightful strategy is better for business.

Things are moving faster than ever, and today's audiences and devices are constantly (and radically) changing. We help you keep up with the pace. As a creative agency, we are committed to communicating clearly and simply, because, in a world of limited time and limited patience, less is definitely more.

Brand Research & Workshops

No one knows your business like you do, and we aim to get inside your head to appeal to the hearts of your customers. Because understanding what you do and why you do it gives us the most powerful marketing tool there is; a simple truth.

Brand Strategy & Positioning

Knowing what you stand for, and who you stand for, is vital. It's the only way to truly connect with consumers. We help you position your business and navigate the market so that people not only buy your products, they join your movement.

Brand Story & Message

When you take a compelling message and wrap it in a unique tone of voice, you do more than just sell. You connect. We are experts at engaging consumers on an emotive level to help you stand out from the crowd and influence behaviour.

Brand Naming

What's in a name? Everything. Names carry weight. They ascribe feeling and emotion. A name can be rational, creative, descriptive or disruptive, so your name should do your business justice while resonating with your audience. And that's where we come in.

Brand Personality

Brands, like people, should each have a relatable set of human characteristics. It's what your audience connects to and interacts with. It should speak in a distinct way, have an opinion and stand for something more than just profit margins. We help build that profile so that when consumers think of your brand they picture more than a shop front window.

Visual Identity

Your brand is your first impression, and we can make it a good one. Logo design should give a strong sense of who you are and what you do, and our designers are masters at creating memorable visual identities that cut through the noise.

Style & Brand Guidelines

Originality is key, but consistency is king. We can build an intelligent set of brand guidelines that captures your personality, tone of voice and visual identity so that anyone working on your brand can utilise its full potential while staying on message whether that is graphic design for a poster or an Instagram story.

Print & Packaging

Our graphic designers take brands out into the world. Whether it's on billboards, posters or in brochures, we go above and beyond to ensure sleek, consistent and attention demanding design in everything we do.

Digital Delivery

From Facebook covers to Instagram profile pictures, we put the strategy in social. Digital platforms are our speciality and we excel at telling brand stories that build equity across all online platforms and channels.

Our branding approach

We hunt for a simple truth that tells a compelling story.

Collaboration is our watchword when it comes to branding. We partner with ambitious businesses that want to reach out and connect with their audiences.

We help brands seek out a compelling truth by getting to know who you are, what you do and why you do it. Unlike most other agencies we do this without the ego or the jargon. Sound straightforward? Because it is.

    Class For Kids

      The Hunter Foundation


        Get Started

        Let's work together.

        Come in for a chat and a damn good cup of coffee. We’d be delighted to hear what you’ve got planned and how we can help you with your branding.