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Is this the end of Google+?

The platform will now be split into two - breaking their photo elements away from what they are now calling 'Streams'.

However, while these changes are official, there is no word yet of what that means for Google+ itself. Bradley Horowitz, Google’s VP of product has announced via his Google+ account that he will head the two new products. While there does not appear to be an official name for the photo element announced, there has been no reference to Google+ in the described names. So what does this mean for the much maligned Google+? The options appear to be either a drastic overhaul or kill it off altogether. And what about Hangouts? After all, there are more popular platforms like Snapchat and WhatsApp to compete with. Hangouts future was secured at the Mobile World Congress Event in Barcelona, with Google’s senior VP of products, Sundar Pichai, confirming that it would continue on as a stand alone product. What do you think? Will Google+ live on? Join the conversation over on Facebook or Tweet us @thisisparachute.

Photo Credit: Nyshita talluri (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons


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