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Step into Christmas

It’s that time of year again… Defrosting the car… Witnessing what can only be described as WWE style death matches on Buchanan Street for that last roll of wrapping paper… and the glorious adverts on the telly. December hasn’t even hit and already those of us who don’t fast forward the ad breaks are sobbing in a corner while simultaneously signing wee Monty the Penguin up for Tinder. We just thought that since it ‘Tis the season… we would show you 10 of the best Christmas Ads for 2014!

10. Marks and Spencer

OK, this isn’t the greatest advert in the world but I like the concept. The one big downfall of this advert for me is the fairies themselves… or rather their very awkward, clunky movements. As a child with my big book of fairy tales, I always imagined fairies to have the movement of a sleek, graceful creature… not Ms. Pacman. Anyway, check it out below and see what you think yourself.

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9. Morrisons

Morrisons have released their Xmas ad this year and while it doesn’t have the same flair of last year’s Beauty and the Beast inspired ‘Be Our Guest’ ad, it’s still quite nice. Ant & Dec make their cameo appearance and there’s singing involved… so all in all it’s very Christmassy. Check it out below!


8. Boots 

So for the majority of this advert, I was wondering where Boots were going with this… but once it hit its climax I thought it was very simple and sweet! This advert proves that sometimes the simplest are the best when it comes to advertising. One of the things I like most about this advert is that Boots don’t push themselves on you, infact they reference themselves very little which is quite refreshing. Aside from the young traveller running into Boots for that last minute present (we’ve all been there, love…) and the logo placement at the end, they (or their products) really aren't mentioned at all. Have a look…

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7. Tesco 

Tesco were wise this year by shifting the focus off of themselves (Ahem…) a little and instead focussing on their customers. Going about their Christmas business, this ad let’s us know that Tesco is there to help… even with the lights (Seriously… I put them away all nice and neat, don’t touch them for a year and suddenly it’s like trying to defuse an IED with twinkles…) Anyway… here you go.


6. Vodafone

Vodafone cashed in this year by utilising the song that is stuck in everyone's head (whether you like it or not). A merry bunch can be seen belting out ‘Let It Go’ from Disneys’ Frozen while going about their business. We imagine this ad will be popular among the tiny humans of the population...


5. B&Q

Stepping up to the plate this year with a surprisingly comical advert is B&Q. One of two festive themed adverts, this Toy Story inspired narrative does actually contain some quite hysterical moments. Have a laugh with this one…

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4. Sky

Some smart camera work and Dumbledore himself have helped Sky secure the number 4 spot. This unsuspecting family is rudely interrupted by the man (frog?) himself, Mr Kermit the Frog who proceeds to lead them on a mystery tour only acceptable at Christmas. Some of the blockbusters of the year are featured including Spiderman 2 and The Lego Movie. An ambitious move by Sky, but one that has paid off! Step this way to see the advert...


3. Harrods

This one you may not have seen (It is a London shop after all). Still the advert really is good! Featuring some great animation, really cute character designs and an underdog you can’t help but love, this would have a place here for the style alone!

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2. Sainsbury’s

This is one of the most popular Christmas Ads this year, stacking up an impressive nearly 11 million views on Youtube so far. Partnered with The Royal British Legion, this advert takes its inspiration from the 1914 unofficial (yet remarkable) Christmas ceasefires during the First World War. An advert of relevance for the centennial of WWI, Sainsbury’s really have pulled it out the bag this year with a real heartwarming ad of substance that is more than plugging a deal on turkeys.

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1. John Lewis

Is anyone really surprised that this is number 1? With 16.5 million Youtube views, this ad makes us want to sign that wee penguin up for the nearest dating site as fast as we can. Introducing Monty the Penguin along side a great cover by Tom Odele of John Lennons ‘Real Love. This lonely penguin enjoys Pengu reruns, Lego and scoping out the birds at his local park.


Not officially part of the list but what kind of animals would we be if we didn’t mention the best Christmas advert of all time which not only reaffirms our faith and love in our national ginger… but also reminds us that Snowmen steal…

Walk in the air with Irn Bru...


So what do you think? Which ad was your favourite? Or maybe we missed one… Let us know via Facebook or Tweet us @ThisisParachute  


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